Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 9, Thing #23, Final Thoughts

Well, I've finally gotten here after too many delays and side trips. I really appreciate the tutorial nature of this activity that allowed my participation to be flexible. I also liked having discovery exercises to work with the tools we were learning about and the fact that all the resources are on line. It makes the program super simple to use and the experience user friendly. Thanks to those who put School Library Learning 2.0 together. It was great!

The tools I liked the best and anticipate using include blogging, Flickr, image generators, possibly Rollyo, wikis, Library Thing, e books and podcasts. I see how tagging can really help with organizing. I think knowing some of these tools will help me make the move to putting more of my information on line where it will be accessible to me and to others.

I can see how many of the social tools could be used to increase student engagement in projects. I also now have a better working knowledge of some of the information sources, like RSS feeds, that are available on line. Students will (and already do) prefer to get information from the web. It is helpful to know what resources are available to them.

I appreciated the week that we got to read and assess some librarians' thoughts about the direction libraries are going. I thought that the emphasis on service and the library experience over creating the definitive book collection is good to keep in mind as we develop library programs for the 21st century.

Thank you, School Library Learning 2.0 team, for the opportunity to learn these things!


Libladylib said...

Congratulations! The journey has really just begun. I, too, love the tagging. I use del.icio.us all the time.
Good luck using all these new tools. You've done a terrific job!

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the 23 Things of School Library Learning 2.0. Your blog has been moved to the "Congratulations! 2.0 Team" list and you will be getting a certificate of completion. Welcome to the CSLA 2.0 Team.

Now that you have completed this discovery learning course, we hope you will offer its "sister" course, Classroom Learning 2.0 to your colleagues in your school or district. You can lead your district into the 21st Century!

Best wishes.
- Jackie Siminitus
CSLA 2.0 Team project manager

Becca said...

I've really enjoyed following your process and progress through these 23 things. Congratulations! The next iteration brings additional insights, as you find yourself using some elements you thought you wouldn't use, and skipping over others in the practical day to day reality.... although you may well cycle back to them later!

Liz Dodds said...

congrats on finishing!